A Savior in the Square lyrics by Dream Theater
Dream Theater is an American progressive metal band.
This band is really outstanding.
Vocalist-Kevin James LaBrie
Bass Guitar-John Ro Myung
Lead Guitar-John Peter Petrucci
Drum Kit-Michael Mangini
Keyboardist-Jordan Rudess
A Savior in the Square lyrics by Dream Theater
Title:A Savior in the Square
Band:Dream Theater
Band:Dream Theater
We have come to hear him sing
To see this gift your savior brings
Our crowd has grown, and all mesmerized
But silence quickly falls as Lord Nafaryus arrives
Please don’t stop on my account,
Show us what we heard so much about?
In peace, we gather here today
Don’t make him ask again
Do as my father says
Brother, worry not, today
I will share my music, and they will soon be on their way
They only know the noise machines
So I’ll treat them all to sonic ecstasy
Never in my dreams could I deserve
To ever see a vision quite like her
Then unexpectedly
I’m taken by surprise
An angel just appeared before my